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The Era of Digital Technology of Humiliation

Black Mirror is a representation of the dark flaws in us that we are to blind to see or that we don’t want to see.

Black Mirror is a representation of the dark flaws in us that we are to blind to see or that we don’t want to see. Black Mirror is a British Netflix series that is an anthology series. Which means each episode will have new characters and new story line. The themes in this series examines modern technology with twisted unpredictable story lines in a new era of technology. Season 3 episode 3, shows us that anyone in our society could be hacked. Hacked by credit cards, account information, livelihood, laptops, cellphones, purchased items, and nudes. After we get hacked what would be the repercussions? What would you do if all of that personal information was hacked from you… Would you go to extreme lengths to not let any of that out?

This brings us to episode 3 Shut Up & Dance, it shows a 19-year-old teenager Kenny being hacked by trolls filming him masturbating, and later black mailing him. The trolls threaten to expose him for masturbating; that is what we the audience are made to believe as to why he is being black mailed. The trolls will expose him by plastering his video all over social media. So, because of that he had to commit ill-advised acts and we later see that he’s not the only character that is being black mailed by the trolls. The trolls are black mailing various characters as well and these characters are intertwined together by committing horrendous acts.

While watching this episode you will feel so much sympathy for each character including Kenny. You will scream to your laptop or phone saying “JUST LET THEM LEAK THE VIDEO! IT’S NOT WORTH IT!” At the end of the episode you’ll find out that Kenny was never an innocent victim, but in fact a villain. The revealed information as to why Kenny didn’t want his video to be released online was not because of the masturbation, but because he was caught masturbating to child pornography.

This episode was not just about revealing each characters’ truth, but this episode showed how technology gadgets can be turned to gadgets of destruction or in other words humiliation. Digital gadgets of humiliation! This episode completely turned me upside down, including the ending. Also, the music fit so well in the ending especially the moment Kenny received a phone call from his mom and realizes everyone now knows his dark black mirror secret. The music in that ending was by Radiohead and the name of the song is Exit Music

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